Friday, 10 July 2009


When I created this blog, my purpose was to keep record of my thoughts and my views on various life changing issues. I have to be honest on what I write here because I do not write here for the sake of other people but I write here so that in the future when I read these articles, I can understand who I was at that point and where I have come from there.

Most of us are afraid of change. Some of us are also afraid of expressing our real thoughts on various subjects. When we think about ourselves how we were couple of years ago, then we generally realise how wrong or right we were at that particular instance. We see same thing differently at different stages of life. Due to that, it is obvious that we develop certain feelings towards daily issues that we might not have done so if we weren’t gone through certain changes in our lives. There is nothing wrong with believing something that is totally opposite to what we believed few months or few years ago, as long as it doesn’t contradict with the common sense and our self believe doesn’t harm anyone.

Life teaches us all sorts of things. Each of us is unique and live in different environment, sooner or later; we all go through life altering experiences. Those of us who dare to think about religion, philosophy, science or nature and asks questions on any of these subjects, gets answers at some point in their life. Some people do not bother to think about these basic issues of life while some people do but hesitate to express themselves thinking other people wont understand them. But if we cannot be honest with ourselves, we cannot live the life as we suppose to.