Friday, 6 February 2009


My colleagues at work and most of my friends here in Southampton, follow non-vegetarian diet. Because of me being vegetarian, topics of vegetarianism and non-vegetarianism often comes in our discussions. I know that none of us are going to change their diet based upon these discussions we still enjoy discussing it. My main point about food choice is that irrespective of source of the food, we eat whatever we eat based upon taste rather than from where it is originated.

Typically, our diet pattern comes from our family and at least we stick to it until we grow-up. Its very rare for a child to be a vegetarian in non-vegetarian family, and vice-versa, unless child has some sort of disease in which he/she is not allowed to eat certain things. Those who grew up as a vegetarian, only becomes non-vegetarian if they like taste of meat or under extreme circumstances, if person moves to another region or country where it’s difficult to find vegetarian options and/or high cost of vegetarian food. But, according to my experience, most of those people who became non-vegetarian were due to meat’s taste and they couldn’t resist it. There is nothing wrong with it and a person has own choice to eat whatever they like as long as they don’t eat human! However, most of non-vegetarian people justify their view saying that they eat meat because it fulfils all body requirements that might be very hard to find from vegetables, fruits and non-meat products. That’s totally wrong. People eat food because of its taste and there are always meat alternate foods available to get necessary ingredients that are necessary for human body.

Personally, I like to be vegetarian because I don’t see any reason why I should eat meat? When I can get all the vitamins, protein, fat, carbohydrates, fibre, etc from vegetables, fruits and dairy products, I don’t see why I should eat meat. Main argument at this point I receive from non-vegetarian people that cows and calves suffers a huge pain in the whole process of milk productions in dairies. I agree with that and I insist that we all should do our best to make sure that dairy owners take care of cows and calves and other animals, too, even if it means that we have to pay higher prices for dairy products.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Environmental protection

In recent few years, the subject of environment protection has been discussed more than any other topic and it is the one of the most written topics in magazines and newspapers. Nowadays, each company, either small or big, is now taking environmental issues seriously and trying their best to reduce any material wastage and trying to recycle things as much as possible. As a public, each one of us is trying our own bits to protect our environment and that will ultimately secure future for next generations. But big environment agencies are failing to show true commitments to the issue. Recently, UN has suspended world’s biggest auditors of clean energy project after finding ‘non-conformities’ during their inspection at its headquarter, in Norway. This raises a serious question about how much can we trust these big auditors and agencies that are doing wrong business and hence wasting taxpayers’ money.

Since the discovery of CFC’s (Chloro Fluoro Carbons), compound that was a main source of refrigerants between 1960s-1980s, affect on earth’s atmosphere, especially on ozone layer, public became aware of their role as a polluter. When in late 1990s scientists found that due to carbon imbalance in atmosphere, earth’s temperature is raising and causing greenhouse affect, we understood how an excess CO2 is dangerous to the environment. Since then, numerous projects have been started to tackle greenhouse affect and public is also supporting governments effort to reduce carbon emissions.

But current winter in Western Europe, which is one of the worst winters in decades, and very hot summer in Australia shows that we are very far away from any temperature stability in the world. Although developing nations are emitting more carbon in air than they should, carbon emission reduction from people is huge in proportionate and there are big industry leaders which are also cutting their emissions. But it is governmental and international environment protection agencies’ wrongdoing not solving this issue. These big agencies are abusing their power and making under table arrangements for carbon trading. Carbon trading is a huge business now and in terms of total revenue it comes after stock market and oil trading. Hence, the principle of carbon reduction has been gone and all these environmental protection agencies are making money out of carbon trading.

If earth’s current temperature will increase for another decade or so, we will see some more hazardous weather conditions and unless and until UN and governments in each country doesn’t do their part to cut emission of carbon dioxide, I do not see any chance of greenhouse effect going within next two decades. We will need to start using more renewable energy sources in everyday life like solar energy, hydrogen power, tidal forces, wind energy etc to put less burden on power generation from oil and gas and we also need to make sure that environmental agencies are performing their jobs properly.

To probe further:

Wednesday, 4 February 2009


Those of us, who believe in god, pray to god to bring success and happiness in life. As it has been said, god always fulfils the wishes if prayer has come from pure heart. But those who are atheists don’t pray et al and they think that there is no god or external force and sees prayer as a form of begging. But to do prayer, one doesn’t have to believe in particular god and can be done in good faith for him or for sake of others and one doesn’t have to ask for anything to god if person doesn’t want.

When we were kids, our parents used to accomplish our requirements and they used to give us gifts in exchange of our good behaviour. In the same way, for an adult person prayer can become significant part of life and he/she can treat almighty as his/her parents. We always come in the situation where we don’t have self believe to handle it and we often seek help from others. Now, at this point, if we are lucky, our friends or relatives will help us to solve it. But, if you believe in god, this can be main source of positive energy at this stage when you need it most and if you have faith in god, he will give you strength to overcome all the problems by following right path.

In order to do prayer from heart, one has to believe the existence of god and keep faith in him. It’s not possible to ask for results and then to believe in god. Atheists take this point very seriously and argue that they will only believe in god if there is some evidence of its miracle. Well, that’s not possible and that’s never going to happen. It’s not that god doesn’t show miracles or god doesn’t complete person’s wishes, but atheists will always have argument against it and there is no need for god to come to earth to prove them wrong. Every human being believes either in god or the non-existence of god. If everyone believes in something, then why not believe in god than being atheists.

One can also remember god even if he/she is not in trouble. I see prayer as a way to connect to the source of positive energy. Whenever each of us prays, we generate positive energy and it flows from us to main source and that energy can be used when we need in the future. At the bad time, when we have more negative energy inside us, by doing prayer, we get positive energy back from the source. The god is a source of this energy and he governs input-output of it. Those of us who do not believe that the god exists, they will be able to perform prayer because it doesn’t have be done for particular god. One can pray by considering sun or nature as a form of positive source for human life.

Monday, 2 February 2009

My KISS (Keep it simple, stupid!) theory

Life is simple, if we can see it that way. But, unfortunately, most of us, including me, try to make it very complicated. I always try to prepare a plan for the future. I always think in profound manner for things like career, job, education, marriage, money, family, etc and make preparations for all those. And because I know that there is an odd of one of my plans failing, I also think about the options that I can use if something or someone doesn’t behave according to my inclination. But, life doesn’t have to be planned and I think I should leave few things for time and let me make decisions at that instance.

We want certainty in our life but nature is cruel and hence no matter how many efforts we put to create full-proof plans, uncertainty always comes in our life. At that point, if the person is so used to live life according to his rules, he gets puzzled in this uncertainty and his mind floats around everywhere. This has happened me to, as well. There were few moments where situation didn’t work out the way I wanted and because I never had a backup plan because I always thought about the outcome to be in a certain way, my mind was packed with reactions and took me a while to recover from the situations.

I am not suggesting that we shouldn’t plan for the future. We should and we must. We always have responsibilities, even if we live alone or we live outside from our home country. Some people have more responsibilities than others but we always care about people around us and hence we always think about the future and plan according to it. But, sometimes, its better to leave certain things for the future to decide and not make any arrangement before actually that situation comes. This uncertainty makes us more aware of the circumstances and decision taken at those moments, though very quick once, develops self-confidence.

Therefore, think about the future and make some plan as well. But, remember, each plan makes person’s life more complicated and life doesn’t have to be complicated. Life doesn’t have to be like a flow chart, and hence, leave certain small and sometimes major situations for the future to come up with. Try to keep life simple and I am sure that that life will be more enjoyable.