Wednesday, 21 January 2009

The ultimate goal of biological science

One of the topics that is in discussion in general public is Stem Cell research. Recently, Glasgow, Scotland, based Institute has announced that they have received permission from Government to pursue their research into Stem Cell use them for stroke and blindness. This has caused some frustration among those who opposes this idea.

This is not a new research topic. Scientists are trying to find answers about complex human body structure and their ultimate aim is to create Cloned Human body which will have no genetics disorder. Are they trying to replace nature by technology?

Personally, I am a supporter of both the ideas when they are used separately. But, when we will combine those two to create a perfect body, which will have no diabetes, no cancer, no genetical irregularities, no complex physical problems, etc, we are going against the nature. With the help of Stem Cell research we will be able to help disabled people by giving them normal life. With the help of human cloning, we might be able to "generate" people in laboratories who can go to other planets in long space missions where normal human body may be subject to more difficulties than cloned body.

But, as this has happened before with other technologies, once we will achieve success in human cloning, we will lose control over who and when should use this technology. In my opinion, let general public decide whether they support these kinds of research and upto what level government should be involved over control of the technology.


  1. Thank you for the article, I enjoyed it. One question though....what do you mean by "we are going against nature"? Also, even if we are, why is this bad?

  2. Nature keeps balance of living and non-living things on earth. As it has been proven that a slight change in this balance creates a huge impact on life on planet, that's why I am opposing the idea of going against nature. We do not have proper undestanding of our environment, yet, and we should try to avoid to take position of nature/god.
